Also i realised that I wrote in Maltese. I promise to transalte one day 😁 as for subjects, i like reading feminist philosophy, anything by women. I've met very few female philosophers, one of whom is my tutor, a great thinker and writer Profs. SIMONE Galea. Will continue writing tomorrow, as there isn't any editing options.
Hello, jien Tania. Il-filosofija dhalt fiha, b kumbinazjoni ghaliex kienet l-unika masters miftuha fis second jew third call. Ghogbitni u komplejtha.1. SAN Pawl li kiteb l-epistli.1b. Michel Foucault1c. Freire Paulo2. Care of the self. Technologies of power and technologies of the self. Governance, biopolitics, theology.
You may not believe this but my name is Simon Oosterman. My interest in philosophy goes back to my questioning the existence of (the Christian) God when I was in my teens. I moved pretty quickly from agnostic to atheist but then was confronted with the question why almost everybody believes in some kind of Gods. To me the most logical explanation was that that Gods were created by Man to explain the at that time unexplainable. They were created more or less in Man's image, as Man had no other examples, and bestowed with human characteristics. This allowed for the possibility of some influence on our fate by pleasing or at least appeasing the Gods.
Life got in the way of pursuing my continuing interest in philosophy and it is only now that I am putting more effort into it. I have always been less emotional and more rational than most, which may explain my affinity to materialism. The problems posed by quantum science to traditional materialism, as put forward by Gilbert Ross in recent SHARE magazines, disappear to a large extent, if not completely, when we redefine Matter as Energy plus Information.
I am looking forward to some interaction on this website now that it is so difficult in person.
Hi, my name is Martin . I am qualified in electronics and as you may know fluency in mathematics and physics is a must for this subject. Science subjects are the first steps to commence questioning and most importantly to utilize logic.
My interest in philosophy commenced when I used to go to a local village youth club. ( a very very long time ago ). At the time I met a very knowledgeable person who introduced me to the inquisitive methodology. He was the late Prof. Carm Sant. Prof.Sants' faculty was theology ,however I remember him very eloquent in philosophical topics.
Nowadays with all the electronic gadgets at hand broadening personal wisdom is much much easier than before. My sincere desire is that philosophical understanding should form part of young students curiculum or should be annexed in ways to help you people learn to question and think.
I was always interested in the big questions of life and in my childhood/adolescence this pushed me to become deeply religious. For several years I battled with serious doubts about my faith until at one point I decided that it made more sense to assume that God doesn't exist. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure what was a good "substitute" to religion as I never properly got in touch with Philosophy. Once I recently started reading the works of Sartre, I got hooked!
In parallel to the above, I studied computer science and am an academic by profession. Mathematics remains a favourite subject and a lot of the computer science I teach revolves around it.
I am currently the chairman of the Malta Humanist Association and also carry out Humanist ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, etc.
1. Our favourite philosopher/s: Albert Camus, Simone de Beauvoir
3. Philosophical idea/s impressed on our minds that influenced our way of thinking:
"The absurd man thus catches sight of a burning and frigid, transparent and limited universe in which nothing is possible but everything is given, and beyond which all is collapse and nothingness. He can then decide to accept such a universe and draw from it his strength, his refusal to hope, and the unyielding evidence of a life without consolation." - Camus
"To be free is not to have the power to do anything you like; it is to be able to surpass the given toward an open future; the existence of others as a freedom defines my situation and is even the condition of my own freedom." - Beauvoir
Like Ian, I am also from Malta but an ICT Specialist by profession. Although, I remember that even though as a child I used to ask myself a lot of existential questions, at that time I never thought of studying Philosophy at an academic level. However, after reading for undergraduate degrees in Computing and Sociology, and working for some years in the ICT field, I felt the urge for more knowledge, so I started to search University websites for scholarships. My research led me to apply for a scholarship at Sofia University, the oldest higher education institution in Bulgaria, so in September 2005 I left my fulltime job, travelled to the Bulgarian capital and in November of the same year started my full time studies at the Faculty of Philosophy together with other students from all over Europe (mostly from the Erasmus programme). From that point onwards I became hooked on Philosophy and pursued my studies also thanks to the encouragement of the professors at the faculty. After living and studying in Bulgaria (where I had the opportunity to travel extensively around this beautiful country) I returned to Malta and resumed my work in the ICT industry. Nonetheless, I did not abandon my philosophical pursuits and for 3 years I was a member of the Philosophy Sharing Foundation steering committee. Moreover, during these years I have published a number of philosophical articles in Share magazine and also in various peer-reviewed journals. I also delivered two talks for Philosophy Sharing (one in Malta and one in Gozo). From 2017 till the beginning of this year, I was also conducting postgraduate research on behalf of Sofia University on Robo Ethics.
My favorite philosophers: Marx, Adorno, Horkheimer, Luciano Floridi
My favourite philosophical subject/s: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, Machine Learning, Robotics, post-Marxism, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Information
Philosophical ideas impressed in my mind: Historical Materialism, Technological Determinism, Manipulation of the Infosphere
I am Ian Rizzo from Malta and an auditor and accountant by profession. I have been reading philosophy for about 20 years. I remember my interest was sparked after I bought and read Bryan Magee's DK Publication which contains a historical overview of all the philosophers from the Greek period to the present time. I was struck at how the thinking of the great philosophers developed over time in parallel to the historical progress. From then onwards, nothing could hold me from exploring and researching further the subject. I believe that I felt a certain burning curosity within me from an early age that urged me to ask certain questions which somehow I kept repressed . Through philosophy, I felt I became more confident in challenging in the open, pre-established concepts that many people take for granted.
My favourite philosophers: Socrates, Spinoza Russell and Camus
My favourite philosophy subjects: Meaning of Life, Ethics, Free Will, The Future of Humanity
Most philosophical ideas impressed in my mind: Plato's Cave, Myth of Sisyphus (Camus) , Kant's Moral Law, Speciesim (Singer)
Also i realised that I wrote in Maltese. I promise to transalte one day 😁 as for subjects, i like reading feminist philosophy, anything by women. I've met very few female philosophers, one of whom is my tutor, a great thinker and writer Profs. SIMONE Galea. Will continue writing tomorrow, as there isn't any editing options.
Hello, jien Tania. Il-filosofija dhalt fiha, b kumbinazjoni ghaliex kienet l-unika masters miftuha fis second jew third call. Ghogbitni u komplejtha. 1. SAN Pawl li kiteb l-epistli. 1b. Michel Foucault 1c. Freire Paulo 2. Care of the self. Technologies of power and technologies of the self. Governance, biopolitics, theology.
You may not believe this but my name is Simon Oosterman. My interest in philosophy goes back to my questioning the existence of (the Christian) God when I was in my teens. I moved pretty quickly from agnostic to atheist but then was confronted with the question why almost everybody believes in some kind of Gods. To me the most logical explanation was that that Gods were created by Man to explain the at that time unexplainable. They were created more or less in Man's image, as Man had no other examples, and bestowed with human characteristics. This allowed for the possibility of some influence on our fate by pleasing or at least appeasing the Gods.
Life got in the way of pursuing my continuing interest in philosophy and it is only now that I am putting more effort into it. I have always been less emotional and more rational than most, which may explain my affinity to materialism. The problems posed by quantum science to traditional materialism, as put forward by Gilbert Ross in recent SHARE magazines, disappear to a large extent, if not completely, when we redefine Matter as Energy plus Information.
I am looking forward to some interaction on this website now that it is so difficult in person.
Hi, my name is Martin . I am qualified in electronics and as you may know fluency in mathematics and physics is a must for this subject. Science subjects are the first steps to commence questioning and most importantly to utilize logic.
My interest in philosophy commenced when I used to go to a local village youth club. ( a very very long time ago ). At the time I met a very knowledgeable person who introduced me to the inquisitive methodology. He was the late Prof. Carm Sant. Prof.Sants' faculty was theology ,however I remember him very eloquent in philosophical topics.
Nowadays with all the electronic gadgets at hand broadening personal wisdom is much much easier than before. My sincere desire is that philosophical understanding should form part of young students curiculum or should be annexed in ways to help you people learn to question and think.
I was always interested in the big questions of life and in my childhood/adolescence this pushed me to become deeply religious. For several years I battled with serious doubts about my faith until at one point I decided that it made more sense to assume that God doesn't exist. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure what was a good "substitute" to religion as I never properly got in touch with Philosophy. Once I recently started reading the works of Sartre, I got hooked!
In parallel to the above, I studied computer science and am an academic by profession. Mathematics remains a favourite subject and a lot of the computer science I teach revolves around it.
I am currently the chairman of the Malta Humanist Association and also carry out Humanist ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, etc.
1. Our favourite philosopher/s: Albert Camus, Simone de Beauvoir
2. Favourite philosophy subject/s: Existentialism, Ethics
3. Philosophical idea/s impressed on our minds that influenced our way of thinking:
"The absurd man thus catches sight of a burning and frigid, transparent and limited universe in which nothing is possible but everything is given, and beyond which all is collapse and nothingness. He can then decide to accept such a universe and draw from it his strength, his refusal to hope, and the unyielding evidence of a life without consolation." - Camus
"To be free is not to have the power to do anything you like; it is to be able to surpass the given toward an open future; the existence of others as a freedom defines my situation and is even the condition of my own freedom." - Beauvoir
Like Ian, I am also from Malta but an ICT Specialist by profession. Although, I remember that even though as a child I used to ask myself a lot of existential questions, at that time I never thought of studying Philosophy at an academic level. However, after reading for undergraduate degrees in Computing and Sociology, and working for some years in the ICT field, I felt the urge for more knowledge, so I started to search University websites for scholarships. My research led me to apply for a scholarship at Sofia University, the oldest higher education institution in Bulgaria, so in September 2005 I left my fulltime job, travelled to the Bulgarian capital and in November of the same year started my full time studies at the Faculty of Philosophy together with other students from all over Europe (mostly from the Erasmus programme). From that point onwards I became hooked on Philosophy and pursued my studies also thanks to the encouragement of the professors at the faculty. After living and studying in Bulgaria (where I had the opportunity to travel extensively around this beautiful country) I returned to Malta and resumed my work in the ICT industry. Nonetheless, I did not abandon my philosophical pursuits and for 3 years I was a member of the Philosophy Sharing Foundation steering committee. Moreover, during these years I have published a number of philosophical articles in Share magazine and also in various peer-reviewed journals. I also delivered two talks for Philosophy Sharing (one in Malta and one in Gozo). From 2017 till the beginning of this year, I was also conducting postgraduate research on behalf of Sofia University on Robo Ethics.
My favorite philosophers: Marx, Adorno, Horkheimer, Luciano Floridi
My favourite philosophical subject/s: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, Machine Learning, Robotics, post-Marxism, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Information
Philosophical ideas impressed in my mind: Historical Materialism, Technological Determinism, Manipulation of the Infosphere
I am Ian Rizzo from Malta and an auditor and accountant by profession. I have been reading philosophy for about 20 years. I remember my interest was sparked after I bought and read Bryan Magee's DK Publication which contains a historical overview of all the philosophers from the Greek period to the present time. I was struck at how the thinking of the great philosophers developed over time in parallel to the historical progress. From then onwards, nothing could hold me from exploring and researching further the subject. I believe that I felt a certain burning curosity within me from an early age that urged me to ask certain questions which somehow I kept repressed . Through philosophy, I felt I became more confident in challenging in the open, pre-established concepts that many people take for granted.
My favourite philosophers: Socrates, Spinoza Russell and Camus
My favourite philosophy subjects: Meaning of Life, Ethics, Free Will, The Future of Humanity
Most philosophical ideas impressed in my mind: Plato's Cave, Myth of Sisyphus (Camus) , Kant's Moral Law, Speciesim (Singer)
Let us introduce ourselves and give an introduction as to what attracted us to philosophy and what contribution it has given to our lives.
Let us also name in the process:
1. Our favourite philosopher/s;
2. Favourite philosophy subject/s;
3. Philosophical idea/s impressed on our minds that influenced our way of thinking.