About Us
The Philosophy Sharing Foundation is a voluntary non-profit organisation registered with the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.
The Foundation was established on the 21st of May 2012 by a public deed. For the purposes of Maltese Law, it is considered to be a legal person.
SHARE 21 on sale

- Thu, 20 MarGrand Hotel Excelsior Malta
- Mon, 29 SeptUniversity of Malta, Valletta Campus
- Wed, 12 FebValletta Voluntary Centre

Special Feature: Art and Philosophy
Issue 20: December 2023
What is Art ? A Contemporary Aristotelian Suggestion - Louis Groarke Poetry and Truth - Joe Friggieri The Wafer Thin Line Between Philosophy and Cinematic Theory - Mario Cordina What Makes The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd a Great Work of Art - Ian Rizzo Fata Morgana: The Philosophy in Werner Herzog - Inger Cini There, There: Affect and Subject in Radiohead - Guillaume Collett The 'Uffa' of Philosophy and Arts - Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci The Fallacies of Seeing with the Mouth - Jamie Fettis Hammering Art to Save the Earth - Adrian Camilleri Chiaro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interview with a Philosopher: Matt Qvortrup General Articles: A Letter to my Students - Colette Sciberras Lorenzo Milani and the Struggle for Social Justice - Peter Mayo Transhumanism: Do Philosophical and Cultural Transhumanist Movements Matter Nowadays ? - Christopher Fenech Medicine Unleashed: The AI Odyssey - Steven S. Gouveia The Challenge of Engaging AI in Patient Diagnostics and Treatment - Alexander Lazarov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Review: Plato at the Googleplex - Valdeli Pereira Philosophical Manifesto: On Justice - Ian Rizzo

Special Feature: Academic Philosophy In Malta
Issue 19: May 2023
Research Activities My Research in the Philosophy of Communication - Claude Mangion My Research in Politics and Ethics: Philosophy as a Way of Life - Kurt Borg My Research in the Political Thought of Neoliberalism - Francois Zammit My Research in the Phenomenology of Interiority and Encounter - Robert Farrugia My Research in Experiential Phenomenology - Clive Zammit My Research in Hypertexuality: A Critique of Unilinearity - Dominic Garcia Special Areas of Interest The Truth in History - Joe Friggieri The Animal/Human Relation - Niki Young The Philosophy of Creativity - Sandra M. Dingli The Immersive Absurd Gamer - Duncan Sant Iris Murdoch and the Ethics of Unselfing - Robert Govus Tightroping Between Love and the Limit-Experience - David Vella The Matters of Philosophy and Why it Matters - Keith Pisani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interview with a Philosopher: Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek General Articles: The Other Sides of the Conservative Edmund Burke - Matt Qvortrup The Anti-Midas: How Does Philosophy View the Sense of Touch ? - Neb Kujundzic A New Holism - Thomas O. Scarborough Technology and the Future of Feminism - Stephen G. O'Kane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Review: Everything Briefly: A Postmodern Philosophy - Ian Rizzo Xi Tfisser Tkun Bniedem ? (What does it mean to be human ?) - Luke Fenech

Special Feature: The Future of Feminism
Issue 18: November 2022
Simone De Beauvoir and Feminism in the 21st Century - Natasha Galea On Reading Beauvoir: Reproductive Rights and Citizens Rights and the Case of Malta - Carmen Sammut Feminism: The Struggle Continues - Lara Dimitrejvic bell hooks (1952 - 2021): The Struggle for Social Justice as an Act of Love and Transgression - Peter Mayo Women, Fear and the Achievement of Autonomy - Sara Azzopardi Allies Against Oppression: The Parallels Between Feminism and Animal Rights Activism - Suzanne Bonnici Ciantar The Future of Feminism: What is Prompting the Fifth Wave ? by Gail Debono Changing the Mood of our Days: Gloria Anzaldua and the Healing Perspective by Fulden Ibrahimhakkioglu The Significance of the Role of Women in Plato's Work - Sam Sultana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interview with a Philosopher: Sophie Loidolt General Articles: The Still Small Voice That Makes me Impotent: The Strange Case of Conscience in Simon Critchley's Philosophy - David Vella Soren Kierkegaard: The Prophet of Irrationality - Matt Qvortrup The Transformation of the Self: Foucault's Observation of the Stoics - Luke Fenech The Many Faces of Ancient Greece - Luc de Brabandere ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Review: On Marija Grech's Spectrality and Survivance: Living the Anthropocene - Niki Young Philosophical Manifesto (Part Four): On Politics - Ian Rizzo Student's Corner A Philosophical Understanding of the Essence of Dance From the Point of View of a Dancer - Hayley Bonnici

Philosophy Sharing Foundation is a voluntary non-profitable organisation that was set up in 2012 to promote philosophical activities around the Maltese islands and beyond.
All activities of the Foundation come at a cost and are financed mostly from subscriptions and membership fees. Moreover, most of our activities are provided for free to our members.